Waternetwerk nieuws en activiteiten

Wetskills organiseerde onlangs Water Challenges in Zuid Afrika en Oman, en rondom de UN2023 Water Conference in New York: out-of-the-box events voor internationale teams van studenten en young professionals. Ook meedoen? Of heeft jouw organisatie een interessante case? Voor najaar 2023 zijn opnieuw vier events gepland.

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Wetskills Water Challenges

The Wetskills Water Challenge is a 12-14 days think-tank program with workshops and fieldvisits, for students and young professionals with a passion for water. They come from all over the world and share their ideas in multidisciplinary, transcultural teams. All teams work on a real-life case in a local or regional situation, that demands their combined knowledge and skills to create an out-of-the-box and applicable solution. Join Wetskills and expand your professional network!


  • 5 Aug - 17 Aug | Wetskills-Jordan 2023
  • 27 Aug - 7 Sept | Wetskills-México 2023
  • 30 Sept - 13 Oct | Wetskills-Lesotho 2023
  • 28 Oct - 9 Nov | Wetskills-The Netherlands (AIWW) 2023

Video of recent event - see below for the event video of Wetskills-South Africa (Cape Town) 2023.

More information: Wetksills Water Challenges for details and registration, and the blogs, cases and videos of previous events.

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VIDEO Wetskills-South Africa (Cape Town) 2023

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NEW WETSKILLS AMBASSADOR: Cecilia Fransisco Chamutota, vice-Minister in Mozambique and previous Wetskills participant

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Wetskills Water Challenges



Koninklijk Nederlands Waternetwerk is hét onafhankelijke kennis(sen)netwerk in de watersector. We bieden waterprofessionals, bedrijven en organisaties een uniek platform, met volop mogelijkheden in een actieve en ondernemende sector.


Koningskade 40
2596 AA Den Haag
070 - 32 22 765