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Recovery of resources from waste(water) is essential in a circulair economy. Inspiring examples and business cases, legislation and technology developments were presented at the Symposium on Resource Recovery, on 9 November 2017 in Wageningen.

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About Resource Recovery

Technology, legislation and the business case

reclycling cellulose korrelsTechnologies are available to recover many different resources. However, the recovery process is just a first step. Application of the recovered resource, and making a positive business case are two aspects that are at least as important.

What drives a resource recovery project? Innovation, green image, economical benefits, closing cycles …?

This symposium brought together practical examples of resource recovery projects. The symposium addressed technologies, but also aspects like the business case and legislation related to recovered material. One of the presentations focused on legislation, and showed several examples and their routes to success. What are the major hurdles that have to be taken?

Symposium : Resource Recovery, Just Do It ?

9 November 2017 | 9:30 - 17:00 hrs | Hotel de Nieuwe Wereld, Wageningen

Organisation: KNW Themagroep Anaerobie and KNW Themagroep Circulaire Watertechnologie (voorheen TG Afvalwaterbehandeling en Valorisatie)

Symposium Programme - 9 November 2017

09:30    Registration
10:00 Welcome
10:00 Keynote speech on Resource Recovery, by chairman Cees Buisman (Wetsus & WUR)
10:30 'Nutrient recovery from wastewater: opportunities and challenges of EU regulatory context, and what to do now?' by Kimo van Dijk (European Sustainable Phosphorus Platform)
11:00 Tea/Coffee break
11:30 'Anaerobic MBR and water recovery' by Mathilde Baudry (Biothane/Veolia)
12:00 'Alginate production from Nereda wwtp' by Paul Roeleveld (RHDHV)
12:30 Lunch
13:30 'Power to Protein' by Frank Oesterholt (KWR)
14:00 'Production of sulphur fertilizer from gas desulphurization' by Leo Habets (Paques)
14;30 'Cellulose recovery from sewage' by Yede van der Kooij (Wetterskip Fryslan)
15:00 Final discussion and Closing by chairman Cees Buisman (Wetsus & WUR)
16:00 Drinks

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