
A wide variety of Dutch organizations is active in the water sector in Colombia. What are the - technical and non-technical - experiences of these international cooperation projects? Live KNW Seminar with four keynote speakers, on Wednesday 11 May 2022 (14:30-16:45 hrs) in Het Waterschapshuis, Amersfoort.

wic colombia

KNW Seminar: Waterprojects in Colombia

Wednesday 11 May 2022 | 14:30-16:45 hrs | Waterschapshuis, Amersfoort

International cooperation
A wide variety of Dutch organisations is active in the water sector in Colombia. In this seminar we like to actively share experiences and explore the (non-technical) aspects of international cooperation in these projects.

Keynote speakers:

Join us, and [ register here ] Registration is closed, due to max. number of participants.  

We look forward to this 'live' seminar, in Het Waterschapshuis (Amersfoort), with drinks afterwards.

KNW Committee on International Cooperation