
'Inclusive Decision-making' en 'Robust and Integrated Blue-Green Solutions' zijn nodig, maar hoe gaan we dat realiseren? Dit stond centraal tijdens AIWW webinar#4 'Community Engagement and Inter-sectoral Collaboration'. De inschijving is nu geopend voor AIWW 2021, van 1-5 november in Amsterdam.

aiww solutions 4

AIWW Webinar ‘Water Solutions #4 - 'Community Engagement and Inter-sectoral Collaboration'

donderdag 9 september 2021 | 12:00 - 13:15 uur (CET) | online

'Future climate risks, degrading environment and natural processes require a collaborative and integrated approach. Consumer centric infrastructural and systemic solutions for example in water pricing and tariff settings can be a step forward to begin with. Inclusive decision-making processes and management can be a step forward in bridging the gap between decisions and implementations, policy makers and communities and expected outcomes vis-à-vis actual results.' Webinar mmv Watergezant Henk Ovink, Oriana Romano (OECD), Adriaan Ruijmschoot (Vitens Evides International), Sandra Schoof (RVO), Hilly Ann Roa-Quiaoit (CDO River Basin Management Council), Maj-Britt Quitzau (Aalborg University) en moderator Bart Krull (Waternet).

Details: AIWW | Community Engagement and Inter-sectoral Collaboration

AIWW 2021 'Blue-green Deals with Integrated Solutions'

1-5 november 2021 | Amsterdam | info & aanmelding


AIWW 2021 - 4 Subthema's en 4 Water Solutions webinars
