
The recent discussion on Team work in the international water sector, with the case of the project 'Source to tap and back' in Ethiopia (S2TAB) was visualised in a 'praatplaat' with drawings and eye-openers. What did we learn?

project S2TAB

Source to tap and back in Ethiopia (S2TAB)

In this S2TAB project, various organizations cooperated to realise water resources protection and pollution prevention in the municipality of Addis Ababa and the region of Oromia.

In this Talk Show we discussed on the added value of the team work and the lessons learned for future WaterWorX and Blue Deal projects.

'Praatplaat' with quotes and eye-openers - click on the image for a large version.

20.11 S2TAB praatplaat2

Questions discussed during the talk show:

Download S2TAB project description.

The cooperating organizations in the S2TAB project were VEI, MetaMeta, Waterschap Vallei & Veluwe, Waterschap Zuiderzeeland, Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu (RIVM), Addis Ababa Water and Sewerage Authority, Adama Water Service and Sewerage Enterprise, Oromiya Water, Mineral and Energy Bureau en Ethiopian Public Health Institute (EPHI).

The Talk Show was organised on 19 November 2020 by VEI and KNW Waternetwerk, and financed by RVO.

Details and programme
Talk Show: Team work in the S2TAB project in Ethiopia

KNW Commission International Cooperation and VEI.

Meer KNW & Watersector events