
Het EJWP - European Junior Water Programme - biedt jonge waterprofessionals een tweejarig part-time programma voor samenwerking, co-creatie en netwerken in Europees water management. Najaar 2021 start een nieuwe groep en de registratie is nú geopend.

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"Building strong networks is often key to opening future job opportunities and to solving work objectives that are too complex to tackle as one individual or organization. Nourishing leadership skills can be the ultimate re-energizing for individuals and organizations, as development of human capital should be high on the agenda to remain competitive. And old ways of working may not provide new answers for emerging water issues which require fresh, dynamic leadership based on sound strategies."

EJWP 3 pillars of development:

The European Junior Water Programme is ready to begin a new group this fall to meet these challenges head on. Are you in?

Information and registration
European Junior Water Programme and EJWP - Fall 2021

EJWP join